How to get ready for your first triathlon race?

2019-06-14 12:26
Triathlon is a race which consists of three different disciplines and the same athletes have to participate in them. The ranking in this race is made by summing up the results from all disciplines. Unlike running or cycling, triathlon offers complete and complex training sessions; and it is considered one of the most exciting endurance sports with the highest global growth rate. The first triathlon race might be an unusual and an overwhelming experience at the same time, but one thing is certain: any success requires hard work and sacrifice. So, here are some tips you should take into account when going to your first triathlon race.

Improve your swimming. Swimming in a pool is different than swimming in open waters, so, practice, practice and again, practice. Remember: in your first race it is important to swim effectively rather than fast. The inappropriate swimming stroke may wear you out very quickly.
Make sure you have the right equipment. Obviously, a good fitness level is very important, but the equipment you use is of particular importance. Make sure that you have the adequate bike and that the brakes, transmission, wheels and protective gear are in good condition. You may consult a bike mechanic to advise you which size of the bike suits you best. The mechanic may also help you with bike adjustment, so that you may feel comfortable while riding.
Exercise your transition skills. It might seem so trivial, but actually, it is a very important detail. Practice the transition from one discipline to another for at least 15 minutes four times a day. Time is very important, and in order to score the best results, train these skills properly.
Race simulation. Within a few weeks before the race, schedule a day for simulating the race entirely, from start to finish. Set your swimming and running equipment just as you would on the race day.
If this sport intrigued and determined you to step into the fascinating triathlon world, you should know that Triathlon Triumph BY BMW i will be organized on 14 July 2019, in the Republic of Moldova.

You may choose one of the following distances:
    Super Sprint: 400 m swimming, 10 km cycling and 2.5 km running;Olympic: 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running;Olympic Relay: 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running.In addition, the Kids Triathlon Triumph for young champions will be held on 13 July 2019. The race includes: 200 m swimming, 2.5 km cycling and 1 km running.

    To register and to learn more about the sporting event, please visit